Executives, welcome to The110Exec.

  • What Am I Doing?-11/13/2023

    Executives… Executives, it’s 9;49pm as I’m writing this on Monday November 13, 2023. I don’t have any long winded charm to peddle and I’m not really sure what I’m doing; I mean  that in every sense of the word.  I’ll go into further details in future posts, this is us just putting something out… I…

    Expectations & Gratitude

    When I started this blog I expected to be up long nights, seeing all parts of the world not just the New York City-Metropolitan Area but the World CRAIG! Expectations I would have experiences that would draw people to my blog and accumulate enough traffic that I would be monetized in a couple months and…

    Young Woman At A Window (Alternate)

    A woman, resolved on killing herself goes up to her “favorite” window. As she reaches the window she begins tidying up before opening up the window. She then sits in the window sill and begins to have a “smoke.” As the woman nears the end of her smoke she looks at the cigarette, it’s practically…

  • A Blog About Trying

    1,040 Days Sober I’ve gone 1,040 Days without alcohol or any illicit substances.  A Little Grace(For Ourselves) I beat myself up about the things I’ve done wrong… and I think I should hold myself accountable. But there are a few things that I don’t give myself credit for in the positive areas of my life…

    Young Woman At A Window

    Executives, Hello, I want to run a scene idea by you! I don’t have any dialogue for it and I need to come up with a proper setup, but I know the general outline for the 1st draft. I  originally planned on just going over a brief synopsis of a post, but this kind of…

    This Isn’t A Sob Story… It’s A Redemption Song.

    dead·beat /ˈdedˌbēt/ nounDEROGATORY•INFORMAL noun: deadbeat; plural noun: deadbeats; noun: dead-beat; plural noun: dead-beats an idle, feckless, or disreputable person.”a nation of deadbeats who must work harder.” Hard Truths There are very few words I hate more than deadbeat. As a matter of fact, there isn’t a single word I hate more… than deadbeat. And this…

  • the 1st step… (AKA THE MANIFESTO)

    (Trying to turn an idea into something more… ) From the outset I want to establish that a major goal of this BLOG, The110Exec. is absolute transparency with anyone who chooses to read it. We aim to be informative, motivational and funny whenever the opportunity presents itself. We are aspiring content creators in NYC and…