1,040 Days Sober

I’ve gone 1,040 Days without alcohol or any illicit substances. 

A Little Grace(For Ourselves)

I beat myself up about the things I’ve done wrong… and I think I should hold myself accountable. But there are a few things that I don’t give myself credit for in the positive areas of my life and I’m starting to think I should be equally mindful of those things as well. And how much of an accomplishment trying is in of itself.

Try A Little…

I haven’t gone to meetings, I don’t have a sponsor and I google my sober date to “count” the days, but I make it a point to TRY; TRYING BEING THE OPERATIVE WORD AND WHAT WE’RE GOING TO FOCUS ON TRYING MORE.

I want to post sobriety content but don’t want to make the 110Exec.Com a sobriety blog, per se. What do I do?

I started blogging by uploading stories to social media and doing so for 30 days and to this day it’s honestly the most fulfilling thing I’ve done creatively. But I’ve stalled since, but I think I found a way to approach two birds with one stone.

Return To Form?

I want to start doing 30 day challenges. I’ll undertake an endeavor and document the process to the best of my ability via video, audio, and written format and upload it. (Next paragraph for the “how”)

Document everyday and piece it together the most pertinent bits of info, photos and footage as the week progresses and then upload the week as a whole. 

And if that proves to be too much for a single piece even better because we can divide the content into appropriately sized posts and gets as much mileage out of every piece. 

1st Step And Moving

These posts probably won’t be seen by too many people at first and that’s fine with me!😅 Probably for the best. 

And to tie everything back in starting TOMORROW(17November2023) we will just document our day-to-day for the next 30 days. The goal is to spend them like someone in active recovery(find meetings, stay productive, and staying ZEN) 

I will expound on this in Tomorrow’s post. But for now the “gospel.” In the words of Samuel Beckett, “Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. FAIL BETTER!”

Executives, life happens, but still we persevere, PEACE!

-The H.E.I.C.; Kai 🗽🖤✌🏾

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